Canada’s thriving Entertainment Arts and Digital Media industries

With our world rapidly evolving to produce and consume quality content across various platforms, the entertainment industry is very much alive and booming, and Canada is undoubtedly one of its biggest players. Entertainment is a growing and lucrative business in Canada. According to Entertainment Partners, Canadian film and TV productions generate 117,000 full-time jobs and $5 billion in revenue for the country each year.

Indian students emerge as a top market in the US

The IIE’s Spring 2023 Snapshot on International Educational Exchange, which is based on responses from 527 US higher education institutions, suggests that US educators are stepping up their efforts to attract students in various markets – most especially India. The IIE found that from 2021-2022, the US had more international graduate students studying in the country at 41% than they did foreign undergraduates, which was only at 36%.

GSP happenings around North America

We celebrate our very own Director for North America, Patrick Colabucci, Ed.D, for becoming a board member of the NAFSA China MIG Leadership team. NAFSA: Association of International Educators is the world’s largest nonprofit association dedicated to international education and exchange. It serves the needs of more than 10,000 members and international educators worldwide at more than 3,500 institutions, in more than 160 countries, by working to advance policies and practices that build global citizens with the knowledge and skills they need to succeed in today’s interconnected world.

Why study a postgraduate certificate or diploma in North America?

A graduate qualification is often seen as necessary for career advancement in any industry, as employers often tend to favour candidates with advanced education. However, obtaining a graduate qualification doesn’t necessarily mean completing a master’s or PhD. Professionals with undergraduate degrees

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