Reasons to pursue an artificial intelligence degree 

We live in a world that constantly and increasingly employs the use of artificial intelligence (AI), whether we’re aware of it or not. Personal assistants like Siri and Google Assistant utilise AI to process, understand and respond to user queries. Meanwhile, platforms such as Netflix and Amazon use AI to analyse user preferences and provide personalised content suggestions.

AI surrounds us, but what exactly is it? Computer Scientist John McCarthy defines AI as “the science and engineering of making intelligent machines, especially intelligent computer programs. It is related to the similar task of using computers to understand human intelligence, but AI does not have to confine itself to methods that are biologically observable.”

The continuous integration of AI into daily life has paved the way for the rapid and widespread growth of the industry. This is motivating more and more students to pursue an artificial intelligence degree for the opportunity to shape and contribute to the future of technology.


What is an artificial intelligence degree?

An artificial intelligence degree typically focuses on the principles, methodologies, and applications of AI. AI degree curriculums often include foundational courses in computer science, mathematics and statistics. It can eventually progress into specialised topics such as machine learning, natural language processing, computer vision, robotics and data science.

Students may also study algorithms, neural networks and ethical considerations in AI development. AI degrees are designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed to understand, develop and implement AI technologies and applications.


What are the benefits of an AI degree?

Graduates with an AI degree are well-positioned for careers in many areas. This includes AI research, data analysis, machine learning engineering and software development, to name a few. Given the growing importance of AI across various industries, an AI degree provides individuals with the expertise to contribute greatly to society. Here are some of the main advantages of gaining an AI degree:

Growing economy with high demand

Industries are actively seeking out AI professionals, now more than ever. This results in abundant job opportunities for AI degree holders. In their “The Future of Jobs Report 2020,” the World Economic Forum estimates that by 2025, 97 million new roles may emerge in the field of AI. Despite its prediction that AI might replace about 85 million jobs by 2025, the number of job opportunities to be delivered by AI clearly underscores the sector’s capacity to drive economic growth and diversify the job market.

Interdisciplinary learning

AI draws from multiple disciplines such as computer science, mathematics and engineering. It covers diverse areas, from machine learning to robotics, fostering a well-rounded understanding of technology, ethics and societal implications. This interdisciplinary nature is one of AI’s key strengths. It enables graduates to approach problems from multiple perspectives and collaborate effectively with professionals from different domains. Pursuing an AI degree gives students a holistic understanding of the field. It fosters a distinct skill set that is applicable and valuable across multiple industries.


AI degrees equip individuals to exercise creativity and drive innovation by developing intelligent systems and solutions which lead to greater technological advancements. According to Ben Simon of BlueStar US, “AI’s impact goes beyond displacement, cataly[s]ing the development of innovative products and services. This evolution creates a demand for roles in research, development, and marketing. Emerging sectors, exemplified by AI-driven digital assistants and smart devices, expand career prospects for various roles. [It] liberates humans from mundane tasks, enabling a shift towards more creative and innovative endeavors. This shift redefines job roles and the skills required in the modern workforce.” AI helps businesses not only by streamlining processes, increasing efficiency and reducing costs. But it also does so by allowing workforces to focus energy and efforts on more ingenious pursuits.

Career Growth

There are numerous applications of AI in our world today. Speech recognition, customer service, computer vision, recommendation engines and automated stock trading are just some examples. The growing industry provides excellent opportunities for career advancement, competitive salaries, ample opportunities for specialisation, leadership and even entrepreneurial ventures. Graduates will be able to grow their careers vertically, should they choose to excel in one specific path, or horizontally, as their AI degree would enable them to apply their knowledge and skills across a diverse range of fields in the workforce.

Real-world impact

AI graduates contribute to solving complex problems in healthcare, environmental conservation and other relevant sectors while tackling real-world challenges and crises. For example, one of the industries with the most promising AI applications is in healthcare. AI and machine learning technologies can process large volumes of health data, from health records and clinical studies to genetic information, analysing it much faster than humans can. According to Statista, in Europe, it was estimated that “a physician’s working time was approximately used 50-50 between treating patients and administrative tasks. However, with the implementation of AI … it was forecast physicians would be able to spend almost 20 percent more of their time on patients because the time burden of administrative tasks would be reduced.”

In the environmental sector, IBM and NASA are collaborating to create an AI Foundation model called that can “estimate climate-related risks to crops, buildings and other infrastructure, valuing and monitoring forests for carbon-offset programs and developing predictive models to help enterprises create strategies to mitigate and adapt to climate change.” These are just two of the many ways AI is reshaping a better world through technology.


Where to get an AI degree

Given the industry boom in AI, countless institutions from all around the world now have various programs related to AI. Schools offer them at various academic levels, including undergraduate and graduate degrees, artificial intelligence associate degrees and even doctorate degrees.

Knowing where to pursue an AI degree would first depend on a student’s specific field of interest and on how they’d like to use and apply the knowledge after completing the degree. AI is an interdisciplinary field of study. Thus, there are many ways it can be integrated or combined with other disciplines. For instance, students can find a data science and artificial intelligence degree that provides them with the opportunity to combine knowledge from both fields to solve real-life problems in different application domains.

Since the industry of AI is already a very broad field and is growing even more, it’s also becoming a more intricate area of study with more depth. Aspiring students may think: “Is artificial intelligence degree hard?” There isn’t one way to answer this query. While obtaining an AI degree can be challenging, as it involves complex concepts in various subfields, the difficulty varies depending on individual aptitude, prior experience, personal interest and a specific program’s curriculum.

The rigorous nature of AI education is essential for the dynamic and evolving challenges in the field, so interested students must make sure that pursuing an artificial intelligence degree would be something they can put real effort and passion into.

To learn more about AI degrees and programs and the institutions that offer amazing courses, reach out to our business development experts today!

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