Is Utah a good place to study?

Utah stands out as one of the best places to study, having been ranked number one in the overall Best State Rankings in the USA, according to U.S. News and World Report.

Rise of international student population in Australia

In the past few months, Australia’s international student body has been rapidly growing. According to Times Higher Education, its “mercurial international education industry has put the pandemic behind it, enticing more foreigners into the country than at any other time in its history. … [A]lmost 655,000 people were in Australia on temporary student visas at the end of July, up from 569,000 just a month earlier.”

The closure of Australia’s Pandemic Event visa

As of 2 September 2023, a new measure has taken effect where applications for the Pandemic Event visa are only open to existing visa holders. This means that Pandemic Event visa holders will be able to apply for a subsequent Pandemic Event visa after 2 September 2023, providing leeway for preparations and adjustments, until the visa is completely closed for everyone in February 2024.

Updates in the Australian student visa application process

It’s safe to say that an Australian student visa is one of the most coveted visas in the world. As a major study destination for international students from all over the globe, Australia has had its student visa application process discussed widely among various groups. Along with the application to the school of their choice, the student visa application is a very important step for any student wanting to pursue studies abroad.

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